Make it stand out.
The Grade Matter Logo can be reproduced in three different ways:
Horisontal logo layout;
Vertical logo layout;
Logo with tagline.
The Grade Matter Logo can be reproduced in a wide range of media and sizes and various solutions exist to overcome the reproduction limitations of certain processes. The full color logo is preferred. Always ensure that the production process used gives the highest quality representation possible within the confines of the medium being used..
Logo construction.
Non-Infringement Zone. For maximum impact and instant recognition, the Grade Matter Logo should not be crowded by other visual elements. Adequate white space should be left around the logo so that its prominence is not com- promised. The illustration here gives a visual guide for providing the necessary white space.
Minimum and maximum size of the logo. The minimum size of the logo depends on the layout variation and the technical framework of a given project. In the CMYK implementation, the logo should be at least 15 mm in height. A maximum size is not specified; the logo can be scaled upwards as desired. For web implementation, the logo should be at least 60px in height. Preferable web format is .svg.
Owl icon.
The Grade Matter Owl icon should be used when there is not enough space for logo text. An example of application would be mobile menu bar.
Minimised icon.
The Grade Matter Owl minimised icon should be used in a limited ammount of occasions such as favicon or website element decoration. Minimised version of the icon should not be used instead of the logo.